Time to Talk Day 2021 takes place on Thursday 4th February. This year focuses on the power a small conversation can have to help make a difference to someone. The campaign aims to highlight mental health and help end the stigma.
“A small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference.
Quote from the Time to Talk Day website
We know that the more conversations we have, the more myths we can bust and barriers we can break down, helping to end the isolation, shame and worthlessness that too many of us with mental health problems are made to feel.
Time to Talk Day is the day that we get the nation talking about mental health. This year’s event might look a little different, but at times like this open conversations about mental health are more important than ever.
We need your help to start the conversation this Time to Talk Day – together we can end mental health stigma.”
Time to Talk Day offers the communities, workplaces, schools and everyone within the care sector an opportunity to hold a conversation about mental health and help raise awareness. If you would like to get involved or find out more about the campaign, please visit https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/get-involved/time-talk-day for further information.
At CCCV, we whole-heartily support this campaign and are keen to see an end to the stigma surrounding Mental Health.
Our team actively encourage our User Members to talk to their friends, family and neighbours and we believe this is more important than ever as we all deal with the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.
As part of our services, we can offer through our volunteers, a telephone befriending service which is available to anyone who may be experiencing isolation and/or loneliness to provide them with the companionship and support they need whilst dealing with their Mental Health issues.
If you or a loved one feel you could benefit from our services now or in the future, contact us on this site, directly via telephone, email or across one of our social media platforms for further help and support.
We’d love to hear from you and have that one small conversation, which could offer a big difference.