It is a very unsettling time when you are considering the prospect of needing to employ additional support, to help and assist you in your everyday life. Not only are you anxious about making sure you choose the correct care package and support services, but the added worry of cost can make reaching a decision very difficult.
Amidst the emotional pressures, it is easy to overlook all of the options available. Here at CCCV, we want to try and help eliminate any worries or stress you have in this regard, and hopefully, this article will go a small way to help answer some of your questions and concerns.
We always believe that home care should be considered as an alternative, and we are happy to offer a free and friendly assessment to establish your needs in order that you can remain living at home. Home care can include regular visits from a staff member to help with personal care and preparing meals, but other services include adaptions to help with everyday tasks, supporting you out and about in the local community and help with your medications and daily shopping needs.
If you are having trouble with everyday tasks, you can ask your family or friends or GP to make a referral on your behalf for a care needs assessment to help work out what would help you stay independent at home for longer.
Home care financial factors to consider
When deciding on what contributions you will have to pay towards the cost of your home care, there are many factors to consider. The final costs will be dependent upon your capital as follows:
- If your capital is over £23,250, you will be considered self-funding and will be responsible for the full amount of your care costs.
- If your capital is between £14,250 and £23,250, then the local council may offer to contribute towards the cost of your care.
- If your capital falls below £14,250, your care needs will be paid in full by the council.
If people have income from a pension or other source of income that can sometimes have an impact on how much they will need to contribute, but these rules vary on the individual circumstances.
Helping you look at your benefits options
It is important to remember that there are certain state benefits that may be available to help towards your needs, such as attendance allowance, carers allowance or certain disability benefits. If you are under state pension age, you may be entitled to Personal Independent Payment instead. These benefits are not means-tested so they are not affected by your savings or income. The process for claiming benefits can often be challenging and overwhelming, but our dedicated and experienced team would be happy to assist you with your applications and to check your eligibility.
If you are eligible for financial support towards your care needs, your local council can arrange home care services for you, or alternatively, you are entitled to receive direct payments and arrange homecare yourself.
Do you have questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact our registered manager, Danielle Bolchover on 01484 970837 if you wish to discuss any aspect of your care needs, or to talk through what financial support is available.
And if you have other questions in general please look at our ‘Frequently Asked Questions‘ page