Join us to celebrate co-operative care with webinars, sharing learning and exploring different ways in which great care can be part of our communities.

Day 1: Thursday 1st July

9.45 – 10am
Welcome to Day 1 & event overview
Co-operative Care Colne Valley (Twitter @valleycarecoop)

10.00 – 11am
Co-operative Care – development in the UK and globally

Gareth Nash (Twitter @GarethCoop)

Outline: Gareth will reflect on the work and findings of the Co-operative Care Forum (CCF), co-operative approaches and innovations in care that are highly relevant today. He will explore different developmental approaches to care with case studies.

Gareth is a member of a worker co-operative, Co-operative and Mutual Solutions which provides advice and support to new start and trading co-operatives. He was a member of the Co-operative Care Forum (CCF) between 2015 and 2018 which sought to identify and champion co-operative innovations in care.

11.30 – 12.30pm
Federation: research, summary, learning, action
Adrian Ashton (Twitter @AdrianAshton2)

Outline: Adrian has been ‘walking alongside’ CCCV over the last few months, supporting it to explore what a commitment to future growth through a federated model has on how it begins to design its governance and operations now.

This session will offer an opportunity to openly reflect on the learning and options that have come out of this work – to inspire and encourage other co-ops and models of community care, but also to help challenge and refine CCCV’s own thinking to date.

Adrian has for many years been involved with national programmes that have contributed to shaping the wider co-operative movement as it is today. He is a referenced authority in national materials that have been published in this field.

1 – 1.45pm
Talk & Everybody Dance session

Dance Syndrome (

Outline: Dance Syndrome’s members and dance leaders will take us through a session each day to share the joy of movement with everyone.

Dance Syndrome ( is a multi-award winning inclusive dance charity based in Lancashire with a special focus on including everyone, regardless of ability.

2.30 – 3.30pm
North West Care Co-Operative: Living Our Lives Well
John Roberts (Twitter @JohnSimonRobert / @NWCareCoop)

Outline: The session will explain how we offer this vision. It will involve honest testimony from our members. And we hope to leave you feeling just a tiny bit of optimism…

‘We don’t provide care – we help each other live our lives well’
John is the Registered Manager and is involved in developing Care Cooperative services for disabled people at North West Care Co-operative.

4 – 5pm
Afternoon Networking Space
Adrian Ashton (Twitter @AdrianAshton2)

Outline: A chance to openly reflect with others on the highlights (and low lights) of the first day – depending on how many people are able to participate, this will use breakout rooms, but everyone present will be invited to actively share their ideas and thoughts with others: please have your cameras on, and your microphones unmuted!

As an active part of the International Association of Facilitator’s England chapter, Adrian is regularly asked to facilitate networking sessions (including sessions that are made up exclusively of other facilitators!).

Day 2: Friday 2nd July

9.00 – 9.15am
Welcome to Day 2
Co-operative Care Colne Valley (Twitter @valleycarecoop)

9.15 – 10.15am
Power to Change and support of co-operative care
Susie Finlayson (Power to Change) (Twitter @peoplesbiz and @susiefin)

Outline: Susie will offer Power to Change’s take on support of co-operation in social care sector.

Susie is Development Manager at Power to Change – a trust that backs community businesses in England.

10.30 – 11.30am
Participation & coproduction

Change AGEnts  (Twitter Cheryl Barrott: @CeeChangeAGEnt & Mervyn Eastman: @MervChangeAGEnt)

Outline: Cheryl and Mervyn will guide us through a discussion about main principles of participation and coproduction. We’ll discuss practical experiences as well as explore frameworks for ways of working.

Mervyn Eastman FRSA is a Social Worker by profession and Co-Founder of ChangeAGEnts Coop Collective.
Cheryl Barrott is Co-Director at Change AGEnts.
During 2015 Change AGEnts entered into a partnership with East London Radio (ELR) producing Age Speaks.

Change AGEnts: Resisting ageism in all its forms and promoting co-operative values and principles.

11.45 – 12.45pm
Panel discussion: Co-ops UK and opportunities & challenges of co-operative care

Panel: Rose Marley (Twitter @RoseMarley1 at @CooperativesUK), Cheryl Barrott (@CeeChangeAGEnt , also at @CooperativesUK)

Outline: Rose as the CEO of Co-ops UK and Cheryl in her role of the board member at Co-ops UK will talk about opportunities and challenges of co-operative care.

Rose was founding Chief Executive of Manchester-based social enterprise SharpFutures, she worked closely with The Co-operative Group and is now CEO of Co-ops UK.
Cheryl is one of the Co-ops UK Board members and also one of the leading people behind Change AGEnts.

1 – 1.45pm
Talk & Everybody Dance session
Dance Syndrome (

Outline: Dance Syndrome’s members and dance leaders will take us through a session each day to share the joy of movement with everyone.

Dance Syndrome ( is a multi-award winning inclusive dance charity based in Lancashire with a special focus on including everyone, regardless of ability.

2 – 3pm
Digital Care Commons
Emma Back (Twitter @equalcarecoop

Outline: Emma will share insights from the Equal Care Co-op’s journey through setting up and we’ll have an opportunity to discuss the role of digital in social care co-operation.

Equal Care is a co-operatively owned digital platform that aims to transform the delivery of adult social care.
Emma is the founder of Equal Care.

3.15 – 4.15pm
Social Care Future Inquiry and how co-op care can support it
Anna Severwright – Social Care Future (Twitter @AnnaSeverwright at @socfuture

Outline: Anna will introduce the Social Care Future vision and inquiry and then have an interactive discussion around how the co-op model could be part of the future for social care and how we can work together to get there. So come ready to contribute ideas!

Anna is one of the Social Care Future convenors. Social Care Future is a growing movement of people with a shared commitment to bring about major positive change in what is currently called “social care”, Anna is an ex Doctor and tea lover.

Day 3: Saturday 3rd July 

10.00 – 10.15am
Welcome to Day 3
Co-operative Care Colne Valley (Twitter @valleycarecoop)

10.15 – 11.15am
Co-operative Care Colne Valley update
Co-operative Care Colne Valley (Twitter @valleycarecoop)

Outline: Sue Richards and Jean Parker will share updates about how it has been to offer care and support in our community – we’ve been out and about for about three months now.

Sue is currently the care co-op’s Nominated Individual and works closely with Jean, one of our board members, supporting our staff team who do care in the community.

11.30am – 12.30pm
Toolkit & learning project overview

Co-operative Care Colne Valley (Twitter @valleycarecoop) and Graham Mitchell (@upperholme)

Outline: Graham Mitchell, the chair of Co-operative Care Colne Valley, will offer an overview of the toolkit and other learning resources development. We’ll be able to discuss opportunities that are coming up.

Graham is co-founder and current Chair of CCCV and has experience and skills both in the private and third sectors across a range of functions. Graham is a strong advocate for cooperative/collaborative solutions and business models.

12.45 – 1.45pm
Other models of community-led care and Talk & Everybody Dance session
Sian Lockwood (Twitter @SianCommCats and @CommCats)
Dance Syndrome (

Outline: Sian will explore & introduce great examples of different models of community-led care and will be joined by Jen and others from Dance Syndrome to have a chat about dancing & to dance!

Sian is currently CEO of Community Catalysts CIC – a social enterprise with lots of experience in people-led social care & health – aiming to build on strengths and unlock potential.

1.45 – 2pm
Close & what next
Co-operative Care Colne Valley (Twitter @valleycarecoop)